Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I received an alert e-mail from Best Friends that Mali was the "Last Dog Standing" at the Anne Arundel SPCA shelter.  She had been found running along Ritchie Highway by one of the staff when she was less than 6 months old, and had lived at the shelter for more than 14 months.  Her extreme shyness was causing difficulty in her getting adopted.  Although there had been other alerts before, this one just had a strong affect on me, and ....

On March 20, 2013, I went out to meet Mali.  On March 21, 2013, I took Chi out to meet Mali.  As we waited in the shelter entrance "lobby", he behaved beautifully, sitting on the bench next to me.  When he went out to meet Mali, he literally pranced and danced around her!  She came home with us.

The two of them are tightly bonded.  Where you see one, you see the other.  It has been interesting to see her come out of her shell and explore the world.  Interesting and challenging.  Where Chi has never messed with anything that was not designated "HIS", Mali doesn't understand those boundaries yet. She is so curious. She has a shoe fetish - piling them on either my son's bed or mine, if his is not available.  Other treasures are gathered, too.  And she can reach things off of counters and chest of drawers....something I would like to see, given that she is built more along the line of a bull dog, low and wide to the ground.

I've got a lot to learn!  Hope I can keep up with the intelligent, mischievous girl as she explores and expands her world...while keeping Chi and I on our toes!

1 comment:

  1. What a lucky dog to have found you to adopt her! Congratulations to you both!
