Tuesday, December 31, 2013

And there have been trips, too, for Mali ...
Mali came to us already enjoying car rides, but Chi had always had issues with car sickness.  Mali keeping him company in the back seat - and perhaps her enthusiasm for the rides - has Chi enjoying long trips now, too.

September 21. 2013 - Mali went to the ocean as I went to an elementary school reunion in Delaware...

We have already made two trips to our cousins' new place in Stafford, Virginia...these are from November 23, 2013:

 Mali always comes when she is called...

 Under the fence to explore the lower field...

It was a beautiful day...

On November 3, 2013, we took one last look at the Washington Monument with all of its scaffolding to allow the earthquake damage repairs.

When the weather is bad, we go to the "circle park", a short distance from Rock Creek Park...I found it interesting how the roots of the tree keep the ground warmer, so the snow melts off faster...
December 11, 2013

We rounded out the year, at least Mali's first 9 months with us, with a couple of trips to see the Mormon Temple Festival of Lights - this is their 36th year, and they are now up to 600,000 lights.  Mali looked out the windows with a great deal of interest.

Now, on to the New Year - 2014!
July 31, 2013 - Mali has a breakthrough!  She sat on the sofa next to me as I worked...THAT was Chi's spot, but now she is expanding to try it, too.

 By the end of September, she is most comfortable with joining us - Hey!  Leave me some room!

The deer are not just in Rock Creek Park, but also in our yard and our neighbors; we watched the three fawns grow and lose their spots ...

 August 7, 2013 
 August 23, 2013

 Our walks sometimes take us past the stables, and we can watch the young people learning to ride.  I think because our wonderful toy fox terriers (more likely Jack Russells regardless of their paperwork) used to always chase after everything from falling leaves to birds and squirrels and other dogs and 'possums, I am always amazed, and thankful, that Chi, and now Mali, don't dart after the other animals; they "alert" to them - and I always try to pay close attention to what they are sensing - but they remain still.  It allows me the opportunity to enjoy the garter snake s-ing its way out of our path or the chipmunks darting for cover and the black or grey squirrels playing tag around the tree trunks.

We played with a very young puppy moments after I took this shot.

Mali may have learned a great deal this year, but she got me going...we were doing close to 2 miles daily, quite amazing for me - my son may take them on 4 to 7 mile long hikes, but I still get a little amazed as I realize that I am going past a former "turn around" point and still going strong!  As the weather changed around Thanksgiving, I found I had to cut back the distance, but their encouragement had me do close to 2 miles again today (December 31, 2013)

 I love how Mali looks up at me for guidance and approval, as if to say, "Am I going the right way?  What's next?"

As we headed into Fall, the large green, tennis ball size seed pods (a form of walnut, I believe) began to fall...we could hear them as they plummeted through the branches and then hit the ground; they spooked Mali at first; I was just glad that none of them hit us.  Then the large yellow leaves of sugar maples - about 8 inches across - began to fall, and that was a new sound for Mali to learn...and it was much easier to locate the deer because the leaves were so crunchy.

 Earlier in the year, they had worked on the drainage, and this area had been dry...but the rains came and we saw a large group of migrating ducks taking a rest stop here a couple of days earlier. 
The turtle was in the middle of the path, and there were a lot of bikes coming through on this weekend, so I moved him off to the side.

2013 Remembering a Special Year with Mali and Chi - December 31, 2013
Chi, Mali and I started taking longer walks in Rock Creek Park  - June 4, 2013
Each of us could hear or sense when the deer were around...we were seeing them almost every day
 June 14, 2013 - they are watching us, watch them...

Patuxent Wetlands Park
After the long ride to the vets, we'd take a walk in the Patuxent Wetlands Park
As we walked along, I realized that we were sending some parents into a panic - into the air they took to protect their three babies...
 The osprey parent on the nest takes flight, alerting the other parent to return and help protect their young...

 But they are not alarmed by cars stopping near by...just the dogs and I on foot...

A month later, July 22, 2013, the 3 "babies" are almost fully grown...the nest was abandoned by our next visit.

 Mali rests in the shade on June 21, 2013, as we take in the beauty and variety of Patuxent Wetlands...

By the end of June, Mali has learned so many of the "proper family dog" procedures and behaviors, like how to great your master after a hard day...