Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 Remembering a Special Year with Mali and Chi - December 31, 2013
Chi, Mali and I started taking longer walks in Rock Creek Park  - June 4, 2013
Each of us could hear or sense when the deer were around...we were seeing them almost every day
 June 14, 2013 - they are watching us, watch them...

Patuxent Wetlands Park
After the long ride to the vets, we'd take a walk in the Patuxent Wetlands Park
As we walked along, I realized that we were sending some parents into a panic - into the air they took to protect their three babies...
 The osprey parent on the nest takes flight, alerting the other parent to return and help protect their young...

 But they are not alarmed by cars stopping near by...just the dogs and I on foot...

A month later, July 22, 2013, the 3 "babies" are almost fully grown...the nest was abandoned by our next visit.

 Mali rests in the shade on June 21, 2013, as we take in the beauty and variety of Patuxent Wetlands...

By the end of June, Mali has learned so many of the "proper family dog" procedures and behaviors, like how to great your master after a hard day...

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