Mali turns three years old in July. And how she has grown!
She sits on command! That is, if she is outside.Winter wouldn't and cherry blossoms were all slow in arriving...but Mali and Chi had fun.
More snow!
Mali just runs circles around our Chi...
Mali's tail isn't tucked any longer....up and wagging....
I finally realized how Mali crosses the yard - she leaps across just like a squirrel!
April 11, 2014 - the sun is out...and it feels so good!
During our April 16th walk, Chi rests, surrounded by little blossoms - yellow, purple and white.
Mali is ready for a she is in the car as we head out....where will we wind up today?
Shenandoah River State Park, Virginia
Culler's Overlook, South Fork of the Shenandoah River, Shenandoah River State Park
On the trail below the overlook, as I watch from above -
From the overlook, to a walk along the South Fork of the Shenandoah River, near the River Right Campground in the Shenandoah River State Park.
Chi is so convinced that he is a "human" that he will always sit on a chair, bench or sofa....even outdoors.
Sleepy dogs on the ride home....
Chi likes resting his head on the hammock to watch us up front.
Back home, on April 22nd, Mali gives me that sideways look of her's that seems to say, "What are you up to???" as we both admire the Virginia blue bells.
my walking shoes, my son's shoe, and a movie DVD were all piled into her favorite dog bed, along with the dog toys that belong there....she surrounded herself with tangible objects of us...and a movie to enjoy just in case....
Mothers' Day Adventures - May 11, 2014
Gambrill State Park, Catoctin Mountains Ridge, Frederick County, Maryland
It has been so many, many years since I had been to Gambrill State Park, not far from Frederick, Maryland.
Which way should we go now?
Look at how Mali looks up at my son!Then down the road to the next stop...
Rocky Gap - the rock cut-through for the highway
Lunch with a view....
The Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, Mile 140.9 at 15 Mile Creek Aqueduct, and the Potomac River
Chi loves the water...
Along the C&O Canal, heading towards the 15 Mile Creek AqueductNow again along the Potomac River, at the large group campsite...
And then we headed in the opposite direction along the C&O Canal towpath....
Lovely views, a deer that ran off, and lots of wildflowers in bloom...
Walks in Rock Creek Park, June 2014
Look what Mali found on our walk June 6th!

It is hot and humid now...Mali takes frequent rest breaks - always in the shade and hopefully in grass still wet with dew...
She stretches out absolutely flat...I don't know how her back legs do it! Chi always waits patiently...
By the way, if the grass isn't wet, she will go lie in the mud, but her preference is the grass....
We still run in to the deer regularly...yesterday, it was the two fawns, still with spots, and the one doe, they first were in our neighbor's backyard and then in Rock Creek as we walked....