Friday, March 21, 2014

Mali - One Year Today!

Mali joined our home and our lives one year ago today.  How much has changed for all of us!  How much she has added to our lives, and how she has blossomed, too.

She woke up late on her anniversary and I was already at work as she trotted into the room, with her crooked tail up and gently wagging.  She gave me a "kiss" hello and then headed towards the back door to signal she wanted to go out.  Tail wagging.  Tail up.  No longer tightly tucked as it was last year.

We went for her annual physical earlier this week, and though she cowered under the chair beneath me, she wasn't as frightened or as unmovable as in the past.  I think Chi's enthusiasm for Doc is helping Mali begin to accept the handling. Plus she has confidence.

Some photos from her anniversary:
She wasn't too sure what I was trying to do ... I wanted to take a portrait shot of she and Chi - while holding the leashes...
There they are!  What loves!  Happy Anniversary, Girl!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Special Saturday...March 15, 2014

The day started kind of grey and cold, but by the time I finished running errands, including a dog ride to the post office, it was so beautiful, I just really had to get out and get away.  So much cold and snow and ice the last few months, it just wasn't possible to not get out and enjoy a beautiful day!

Chi recognized where we were going before we even got there, and when they got out of the car...they tore off...

They run, and then turn and come back, only to take off again...

And they come right back when we call them...
It's a little hard to see her in the middle of the photo above, but that's our Mali - I had headed back to the car, and Mali and Chi were headed back to my son, and then she saw me and tried to get straight back to me.  My heart was so full.

On to Rocky Gap for lunch/dinner
And then the lake at Rocky Gap State Park...

 I love how she looks up to us...

 Which way to go now?

A great day...all slept well.